Minggu, 25 September 2011

tugas bahasa inggris

Diposting oleh veny noviansah di 04.43 0 komentar

The singular form is used when considering the noun as a singgle item(count) or entity(no count)
Example: the girl loves painting
The plural form is used when considering more than one of the same item. Non count nouns do not have a plural form.
Examples: the girls’ books are on the people
Countable nouns re easy to recognize. They are things that we cancount for example: “pen”. We can countpens. We can hav one,two,three or more pens. Here are some more countable nouns:
·         Dog,cat,animal,man,person
·         Bottle,box,litre
·         Coin, note,dollar
·         Cup,plate,fork
When a coutable noun is singular, we must use a word like a/the/my/this with it:

·         I want an orange. (not i want orange)
·         Where is my bottle? (not where is bottle?)
When a coutable noun is plural we can use it alone:
·         I like oranges
Uncoutable nouns are substances, concept etc that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot “count” them. For example,we cannot coynt “milk”. We can count “bottles of milk “or “ litres of milk”.but we cannot count “milk” it self. Hre are some moe uncoutable nouns:
Ø   Music,art,love,happines
Ø  Advice,infomation,news
Ø  Furniture,luggage
Ø  Rice,sugar,butter,water
For example:
v  This news is very impotant.
v  Your luggage looks heavy
To make most nouns plural add an –s or –es.the –es is added to word that end in an s or z sound. To make a plural noun possesive,simply add an apostrophe to te word. If the plural does not end in and s, then add an apostrophe lus s.
Example: the girl’ dresses (the dresses belonging to the gils)
The Possesive of singular nouns (a name,place,thing,or idea) is formed by adding an apostrophe plus an s.
·         Monica’s house
·         Flower’s petals
The important thing to remember is that common nouns are general names.thus,they are not capitalized unlss they begin a sentece or are part of a little. Proper nouns, those that name specific things, do require capitalization. Here are some sample senteces:
Although there are five other chairs in the living room, everyone i jim’s family fights to sit in the puffy new rool-o-rocker.
Chair=common nouns
Rool-o-rocker= proper nouns

Rabu, 14 September 2011


Diposting oleh veny noviansah di 07.09 0 komentar
Perisan Bagian 1  tgl 10/09/2011

selama menjadi mahasiswa baru di STIKOM Surabaya kami akan mendapatka PERISAN (Pengembangan Diri dan Wawasan), sabtu tanggal 10 september kami disuruh KS untuk datang kekampus untuk mengikuti kegiatan PERISAN. kami mulai apel pagi pukul 06.30,,setelah apel pagi qta berkumpul di ruang auditoriumuntuk mulai acara perisan yang pertama adalah ENTERPRENEURSHIP/WIRAUSAHA
dipimpin oleh Bpk Julianto Lmantara.bpk julianto klo njelasin cepet bgt sampek aq g ngerti maksudna ngmng apa.,lalu acara yang kedua adalah MOTIVASI,dan pembicaranya adalah Bpk Bambang hariadi. kami diliatkan video tntang seorang bpk yg memotivasi anaknya yang cacat agar anaknya tetap semangat walau keadaannya cacat,sang ayah mengikuti lomba dan dia selalu membawa anaknya di setiap lomba,,saat menonton video itu gak sadar klo aq menangis karna memang video itu mnyentuh sekali..
setelah mlihat video kita di beri penjelasan tentangmacam macam motivasi menurut Abraham maslow,Clayton Alderfer,Theory Xdan TheoryY, David Mc'Clevelland.
setelah dpt materi bnyak kita mendapatkan tes tentang motivasidiri kita dan saya alhamdulillah mendapatkan 56 artinya motivsi saya sangat tinggi.......,,,

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