TOEC PART 2: Question and responses
This section of the TOEC checks whether you can make an appropriate response to a given question. Consider in what respect the given responses are appropriate for the question, and guess how the given incorrect choices are inappropriate. Remember incorrect choices often contain a word or phrase from the question, so don’t be misled by mere repetition of words or phrase.
1. Type 1 – Who Question
Example: Who is your favorite writer?
Correct responses:
(A) I love Ernest Hemingway.
(B) My favorite writer is Ernest Hemingway.
(C) Ernest Hemingway. I admire him.
Incorrect responses:
(D) My favorite painter is Picasso.
(E) Yes, I like Ernest Hemingway.
2. Type 2 – When Question
Example: When did you get that message ?
Correct responses :
(A) I got it yesterday.
(B) Yesterday morning.
(C) Three days ago.
Incorrect responses :
(D) I found it on the desk.
(E) I got it from the manager.
3. Type 3 –Where Question
Example: Where did you get your hair cut?
Correct responses :
(A) At the new salon next door.
(B) I went to Bill’s
(C) At Jill’s, as usual.
Incorrect responses :
(D) At a grocery store.
(E) I got it cut too short.
4. Type 4 – What Question.
Example: What are these boxes for?
Correct responses :
(A) They’re for the books.
(B) They are to be used as seats.
(C) To keep old documents in.
Incorrect responses :
(D) The box was going to be recycled.
(E) They were put there yesterday.
5. Type 5 – How Question
Example: How did you open this ?
Correct responses :
(A) I used Mike’s key.
(B) I just turned that handle.
(C) I had to pull quite hard.
Incorrect responses :
(D) I opened it a few minutes ago.
(E) We need a hammer.
6. Type 6 – Why Question
7. Type 7 – Yes/No Question.
8. Type 8 – Choice Question.
9. Type 9 – Statement.
TOEIC PART 3 : Short Conversations
This section of the TOEIC includes three-or four-part dialogs between two people. First read the question along with the answer choices before the dialogs begin. You should try to find key words and the main idea so you can choose the correct statement quickly. use your time wisely and preview the next question.
1. Type 1 - Who Questions.
2. Type 2 – When Questions.
3. Type 3 – Where Questions
4. Type 4 – What Questions.
5. Type 5 – How Questions.
6. Type 6 – Why Questions.
7. Type 7 – Which Questions.
List Of Libraries
F Pembekalan TOEIC book,stikom surabaya
Small request
Ü Do you think (jika yang dipinjam akan berkurang)
Large request
Ü Could ,do you have (jika yang dipinjam tidak akan berkurang)
Example Small request
v Could you hold my jacket?
+ sure,no problem
- I’m sorry, I’cant my hands are full.
- I’m sorry, I’m already carrying too much.
Example Large request
v Do you think I could borrow your car?
Ø What for?
v For a family vacation to jogja.
Ø How long?
v Just 4 days.
Ø Sure, here you are.